Build the Church

Our Goal

We are asking God to provide $70,000 by December 31

Your Opportunity This Christmas

Grow local impact through church plants, migrant mission, & benevolence.

Support the work at ZION and Res Church


Partner with D & K to share good news far away from home.


Hear from Pastor Justin

Hi Church,

God is doing some incredible things of late by showing us opportunities for greater ministry. I am so excited to introduce our new year-end offering – Build The Church. This offering allows us to make an impact at an integral time in our community and world. There’s three opportunities that God is giving us in 2024 to build the church locally and globally. I’m asking you to pray and then make a generous special year-end offering in December.


Church Plants & Community Impact
Your gift will develop benevolence and bolster church plants


Support the work at ZION and Res Church
Your contribution will build out much greater operational capacity for our needs next year.


Partner with our Missionaries
You can participate in God’s global work through sending and sustaining D & K on the mission field.

If we can reach our $70,000 goal this December, we can fully resource our ministries in 2024. So let’s build the church. There’s so much life-changing work to do and I’m honored to be part of it with you.

Much Love,


Justin Mattera



Church Plants &
Community Impact

Your gift will go towards church planting and local immediate mission. We have two church plants that are ripe for significant growth in 2024. Your donation will help establish ZION SI and RES SI as two interdependent congregations alongside ZION BK and RES BK.

Important ministry is literally at our doorstep. There are migrant neighbors and those in need of additional benevolence support. Your gift will go towards establishing necessary local ministries in 2024.


Support the work at
ZION & Res Church

Sustainability and longevity for ZION and Res Church takes your financial buy in. We’ve identified two ways you can join in expanding operations: biblical teaching and organizational health. Your gift unlocks building ZION Academy, more operational capacity and the possibility of health care for staff.


Partner with
our Missionaries

You can be a part of God’s work around the globe! D & K have been faithfully serving the Bay Ridge Yemeni community through Karama Kids and are devoted members of ZION. They are now beginning a new season in missions as they’re sent from ZION to do Gospel work in the Middle East. Your gift will help send and sustain D & K on the mission field as they begin this new work.

Stories from the Ground Level



Track with our
updates in 2024


See us establish our new church plants, multiply our local mission and be involved with international mission!

Our Mission

Our mission is to build the church in hard to reach neighborhoods of NYC. We believe that the gospel moves forward by faithful communities completely committed to partnering with God in the ministry here at ZION and Res Church.


Give Now

We are asking God to provide $70,000 by December 31! Your gift will go towards people knowing Jesus, meeting felt needs, growing our church plants, stabilizing our operations, and supporting international ministry. Join in by donating today.



Partner with
our Missionaries

You can be a part of God’s work around the globe! D & K have been faithfully serving the Bay Ridge Yemeni community through Karama Kids and are devoted members of ZION. They are now beginning a new season in missions as they’re sent from ZION to do Gospel work in the Middle East. Your gift will help send and sustain D & K on the mission field as they begin this new work.